1. Troubleshooting
  2. All my answers are correct, but I cannot clear the exercise.
  • All my answers are correct, but I cannot clear the exercise.

• If you are using Internet Explorer for HTML & CSS or PHP lessons:
Internet Explorer may fail to correctly determine whether your answers are correct.
Please use a different browser (e.g. Google Chrome) and try again.

• Checking your answers
You may have made a typo or forgotten a token.
Please check your answers by clicking the “See Answer” button at the bottom of the exercise. If you switch on "Compare with your code", you can easily compare the difference between the answer code and your code and see if there is anything you may need to change.

• If your answer matches our answer
We suggest switching to Google Chrome if you aren't using it already to see if this resolves the issue. You can get Google Chrome here.

If the issue persists even though your answers are correct, please contact us using the “Contact Us” form at the bottom right of the page.